Over the
decade, the literacy rate across the globe is in a constant rise. Linking Words
, there are many individuals who are still illiterate, especially, in developing and underdeveloped nations. Not being able to read/write would lead to many concerns, Linking Words
, policymakers have to set new regulations to combat Linking Words
situation. In the following paragraphs, I provide my detailed analysis of issues faced by citizens and suggestions for solutions for the government to resolve Linking Words
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To begin
with, technology is advancing every day, everything is being migrated from paper-based to self-service computer software, which directly impacts the uneducated community as they are not able to utilize desktops. Linking Words
For instance
, Banks are migrated online and cut the offline cash transactions, Linking Words
does not allow these people to use "Any Time Money" machines to do a transaction to withdraw cash and no knowledge to use online transfers. Linking Words
As a result
, These citizens will not have any way to do their transactions which leads to frustration, depression and stress.
Be that as it may, solutions exist for each of these problems mentioned above. The policymakers can fight Linking Words
evil by providing free schooling, and creating awareness programs for parents. Linking Words
For instance
, The Canadian government provides free training irrespective of the financial status of the family and conducts awareness camps across the country. Linking Words
As a result
, the people educated in Linking Words
nation are on a steady rise. Linking Words
is the one way to eliminate Linking Words
evil from society.
To conclude, Education is a basic human right there is the countless challenge faced by illiterate people every day in their life. More importantly, rulers across the globe must enforce regulations to provide free learning and consider it a necessity like food, water, and shelter.Linking Words