In many places, new homes are needed, but the only space available for building them is in countryside. Some people believe it is more important to protect the countryside and not to build new homes there. What is your opinion

is usually characterized by attributes that are peculiar to different societies, some being forest reserves or farm settlements in some countries while some are seen as sites for
expansions in some other countries. Choices as to what the purpose of the environment should be have been a recurring topic of discussion. Some people believe that these sites should be made available for building new homes. I,
, disagree with
, and my reasons are explained in the following essay. In some places, the
is seen as space for building new homes, thereby, giving room for building new
establishments in an attempt to curb population explosions in the main
For example
, in most major cities around the world, expansions of the states are usually noted to occur most often around the boundaries.
, the
is used as space to build new estates. Even though many people see
as a good use of the environment, it will be preposterous to be all-welcoming to
idea, rather than, protecting the hinterlands since their use is a lot more. For
reason, it will only be wise to argue in favour of protecting the
. The villages located on the periphery of major towns contain farm settlements in many places. These garden settlements are not only useful in income generation but have
found significant use in providing food, employment opportunities and protection of natural reserves.
For example
, a farmer who cultivates crops or rears animals in the landscape will improve the economy of that country following sales of his farm produce. Again, the industrialization of the towns contributes to environmental pollution. Meanwhile, the forest reserves in the villages are protective against greenhouse emissions.
For instance
, there is more vegetation in the environment compared to the cities which abates the effects of environmental pollution caused by the industries. In conclusion, it pays more to protect the surroundings.
some people have different thoughts about
, it still remains a fact that the extent of protection offered by the vegetation of villages against greenhouse emissions cannot over-emphasized.
essay has argued the reasons why the
should be protected rather than being seen as potential building sites for
Submitted by henryomon14 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Urbanization
  • Ecological benefits
  • Biodiversity conservation
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Sustainable development
  • Eco-friendly building materials
  • Green architecture
  • Government policies
  • Urban sprawl
  • Infrastructure
  • Smart planning
  • Agricultural lands
  • Rural areas
  • Population growth
  • Environmental sensitivity
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