Many people around the world use social media everyday to keep in touch with other people and get news events. Do you think the advantanges outweigh the disadvamtages?

The predominance of online platforms in our daily routines is witnessing an upward trajectory owing to technological breakthroughs and innovative advancements. An increasing number of citizens utilise internet-based social networks in order to maintain contact with those whom they hold dear or to receive
updates. I wholeheartedly advocate that the drawbacks are negligible in comparison to the upsides
due to
the reasons mentioned in
essay. On the one hand, there are tremendous merits when people keep contact with loved ones or have access to the breaking
. If individuals kept in touch with college and childhood friends,
for example
, they would have superior social skills
as communication know-how, a recent Harvard study revealed.
, a connected lifestyle will prevent a tedious daily routine and bring about a vibrant, energetic and cherished atmosphere at home.
, having instant access to
will inform people regarding major global events and keep them up-to-date as well.
trend will result in a much superior preparation in case of natural disasters
as blizzards or hurricanes which can save lives,
for instance
On the other hand
, there are
a spectrum of downsides to
phenomenon which can bring about pernicious effects for the individual. If citizens immerse themselves in online social media applications, they risk wasting a huge amount of precious time chatting,
for instance
, the invaluable lost time cannot be reversed or restored which could be
potentially spent on a productive activity
as reading a book or planning for the future business initiative.
, being constantly bombarded by global, political and breaking
imposes an enormous level of anxiety on the citizens.
outlets nowadays are mostly covering hazardous and precarious situations
as wars
as well as
natural disasters,
can be exceptionally detrimental to mental health and may render life to be tremendously stressful. In conclusion,
there are negative aspects to
phenomenon, they are totally manageable and
infinitesimal when compared with the immense merits it introduces.
, technological breakthroughs are changing the world for the better and no one ought to miss the boat.
Submitted by sajjad.talebi2020 on

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Coherence and Cohesion
Your essay is generally well-structured and thorough, but some sentences are overly complex. Simplifying these can enhance clarity and readability.
Task Achievement
While your examples are relevant and supportive, try to add more variety. This will help strengthen your points and make your argument more convincing.
Coherence and Cohesion
Excellent introduction and conclusion that effectively summarize the main points.
Task Achievement
Relevant and specific examples used to support your arguments.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • to connect with friends and family
  • to preserve bonds
  • real-time updates
  • a wide range of perspectives
  • global happenings
  • business opportunities
  • networking opportunities
  • mental health issues
  • unrealistic portrayals of life
  • privacy breaches
  • identity theft
  • addiction
  • time management
  • productivity
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