It is true that, nowadays, technology is the most beneficial
toolsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to interact
eachChange preposition
show examples
other. There are a large number of pupils prefer interacting online to meet with their friends. I assume that the reasons are
teenagersChange noun form
show examples
gettingChange the verb form
show examples
the attention and
addictedReplace the word
show examples
. Personally,
iChange the capitalization
show examples
will justify the solutions
ofChange preposition
show examples
these cases.
Meeting one another in person via
websiteCorrect article usage
show examples
theCorrect article usage
show examples
activity that
makeChange the verb form
show examples
addictedChange the verb form
show examples
because of
effectiveCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
to Fix the infinitive
show examples
use. Young
are able to obtain attention from others
inChange preposition
show examples
social media and they are
easilyReplace the word
show examples
to Fix the infinitive
show examples
interact only through their
phoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
without meeting directly and moving to
differentAdd an article
show examples
placeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, users online are more addicted to
utilizeChange the verb form
show examples
phoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to make
Add an article
a relationship
the relationship
show examples
relationshipFix the agreement mistake
show examples
with others, because most of them
are Unnecessary verb
show examples
Add an article
show examples
smartphoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to do their activities.
, many online users are utilizing
the Correct article usage
show examples
and Facebook to make their
widelyChange the adverb
show examples
connectionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
with other
, all
of Change preposition
show examples
peopleAdd an article
show examples
tend to spend their time
to meetChange the verb form
show examples
with one another in person
onlineCorrect word choice
show examples
due to their habits.
Add an article
show examples
teenagerFix the agreement mistake
show examples
intentReplace the word
show examples
to obtain the attention
fromChange preposition
show examples
other users
inChange preposition
show examples
media and
feelingWrong verb form
show examples
addictWrong verb form
show examples
withChange preposition
show examples
those are able to solve
with Change preposition
show examples
several solutions.
, they
are Unnecessary verb
show examples
haveAdd the particle
show examples
regulate their schedule and make an effort to avoid the
of Change preposition
show examples
dayAdd an article
show examples
doingWrong verb form
show examples
the other activities.
, teenagers should limit using the internet
especiallyAdd the comma(s)
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
social media and try to meet with
personAdd an article
show examples
textWrong verb form
show examples
. To show the evidence for
case, there are many children who look cheerful when they are playing with their
friendFix the agreement mistake
show examples
directly at school without playing
theirChange preposition
show examples
phoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
each other.
To conclude,
iChange the capitalization
show examples
believe that technology can become the
tools for
humanFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to make
Add an article
a connection
the connection
show examples
connectionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
toChange preposition
show examples
widely, but it cannot
to Change the verb form
show examples
replace the interaction in the real life, but they
are haveChange the verb form
show examples
advantages and disadvantages for human life.