In some countries more and more people are becoming interested in finding out bout the history of the house or building they live in. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?

History considers one of the main topics to study or even read about it. So it is very important and essential in human kind's development. some
have the interest to discover what happened long ago in certain locations and to find out the events and accidents that occur in the past especially, in the house or the building they live in. of course there are several reasons behind
curiosity. In
essay, I will refer to some reasons and some ideas to do
of all, the desire to learn about the past will drive
to dig their house's ground to find out the secrets that might be hiding under their feet. In my opinion, all
will have
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interest to discover something new about the past and
interest is related to the importance of history. Actually,
subject teaches humanity how to develop their lives. Another reason is the possibility to detect a treasure. Recently, there was some news about
kind of finding.
For instance
, in a foreign country, a man discovers an entire city under his house.
is a big hope for others to dig under their houses to find out about old buildings.
but not least,
would like to find the correct way to inquire about the past. So, as I
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, my recommendation is to build specific companies or institutions. They will have all the requirements and equipment to investigate houses or old buildings.
that, there is a machine that can discover the metal underground. By using it
can decide the kind of ground that they live above it.
can be clues for many questions. To conclude, The happiness of discovery can not be calculated. So under the reasons of revealing new secrets and learning something new
will find different ways to uncover the unknown.
Submitted by Asbab15 on

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