Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?

Since the Industrial Revolution, environmental pollution has never ceased to draw public attention
as well as
provoke debates. Though there are various causes of
phenomenon, it is human activities that are the main culprits. In the following essay, the problems and remedies will be thoroughly discussed.
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innovation has led to the advent of new kinds of transportation and the possession of private vehicles.
people can commute faster and more conveniently, the fumes emitted by vehicles themselves have become the root cause of the greenhouse effect which leads to global warming, changing the climate and causing natural disasters.
, the increasing urbanisation and industrialisation have promoted the deforestation and destruction of the natural habitats of many species, threatening the balance of the ecosystem. A telling example of these arguments is China, where carbon footprints from transportation and industries
as well as
the ever-present need for accommodation
due to
overpopulation have greatly contributed to the
worsening of the global environment and climate. A variety of solutions has been proposed to tackle the problems, but after all, governments should become the backbone of the efforts.
In particular
, lawmakers should enact policies regulating and restricting the number of greenhouse gases and attempt to reduce
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by levying environmental taxes on vehicles
along with
developing mass transit systems
as buses and subways.
, the regulations on urbanisation and industrialisation should be revised to
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that they will not be detrimental to
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natural habitats.
, individuals should be more aware of their actions, some of which are littering, using personal means of transportation and forest clearing, especially in relation to the environment so that those can be ceased or at least alleviated. And that can only be achieved via self-education. In conclusion, it is human practices that contribute to the downgrading of the natural environment. Governments should be the instructors and leaders in the eradication of
Submitted by hughdaoxvii on

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