Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people claim that there should be the same number of seats for both genders in
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because it can bring equality to society. Others,
, say that equal numbers of men and women in every subject are not a good idea. I agree with
point of view, and
essay will outline the explanation. The fixed number of males and females might provide equal opportunity for both of them to choose their favourite field without any consideration.
, some subjects are dominated by one gender, and
might make another side choose something else.
For example
, Math science is very popular among boys, and
would always prefer them, so fewer girls can enrol in
subject if they want.
, many
would give more opportunities to males than females. It's true that there are many problems associated with inequality in
, but the solution is not fixed positions for males and females.
, university enrollment should be based on applicants' abilities. Their knowledge and skills should be the reason for taking their place ,not their sex.
In addition
, if some subjects are more popular among certain gender, there are certain reasons
as physical abilities, emotional things, and job opportunities. In conclusion,
equality is a very important issue for society, and the same number of positions in every subject for boys and girls might bring some benefits, university acceptance should be based on personal abilities, and
approach can be very useful in the educational system.
Submitted by omid.afsharpour on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • gender diversity
  • fostering innovation
  • educational experience
  • enforcing gender quotas
  • merit and potential
  • individual achievements
  • natural differences
  • gender equality
  • reducing gender stereotypes
  • balanced workforce
  • traditionally male-dominated or female-dominated fields
  • fluctuating applicant numbers
  • compromise on quality
  • diversity aspects
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