The best way to solve the world's environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, global warming has become a controversial issue around the world. Whilst proponents hold the view that increasing the
price is a solution to mitigate the environmental problem, opponents have a diverse perspective.
, I believe that other measures should be initiated because
action will lead to economic stagnation. My contention will be
explained. To embark on, dealing with climate change issue needs more effort than just increasing the cost of fossil
in addition
, raising the
’s prices does not hinder the commuter from using their cars. A prime example of
is Egypt, which had recently increased the prices of petrol, but nations still used their private cars, and that does not lessen the request for gas.
, what can be said is that the more the authorities increase the prices, the more the economy will suffer from the recession.
, overconsuming
can be mitigated by providing a robust public transport system and providing subsidies for residents who use it.
In other words
, if occupants have the alternative to commute via buses and trains, which are cheaper and more comfortable, they will regularly start using them.
For example
, London has a massive network of trains and buses, which are quite affordable.
, public transportation means have not only been preferred by the locals to their private cars, but
it will result in fewer vehicles on the streets, which eventually means minor defilement. In conclusion, after
essay has manifested the points mentioned above, it can be reiterated that increasing the
price will not reduce the global warming effects.
, I believe that other alternative solid measures need to be implemented to tackle
Submitted by mohammedlotfy2010 on

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