Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and include and give your opinion Give any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Some people would rather spend their
doing the same things and avoiding variation than
by doing something that they have never done before. In
essay, I will point out and discuss both points of view and provide my opinion of both choices. Nowadays, there are some people preferring to spend their
doing the same things and deciding to avoid changes because they think that changing is so fearful and not stable. Sometimes, if they decide to
or start doing new activities, they feel that they have to start the new activities at the beginning.
As a result
, they feel insecure and unconfident about deciding to do something new.
For example
, if someone decides to
their job and he does not have any particular knowledge in that field, he will feel that he is not good enough to work
job properly.
On the contrary
, others think that people should
their living all the time because changing is very beneficial to them.
In other words
, they believe that changing will give many opportunities for them not only to learn new knowledge and skills but
to meet new environments and others.
For instance
, the employee decides to
his work field to a new one because he thinks that
is a profitable method for upgrading and enhancing his life.
As a result
, he receives more opportunities and money from his new task. In conclusion, I believe that both alternatives provide advantages and disadvantages to them depending on any pacific situations on that period of time.
Submitted by boatakrawin on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • status quo
  • stagnation
  • routine
  • comfort zone
  • predictability
  • specialization
  • innate
  • personal growth
  • adaptability
  • fast-paced
  • new horizons
  • equilibrium
  • progress
  • dynamic
  • transformation
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