Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disargee with this statement?

Living abroad and being obliged to speak a
language ,
as a result
, can be frightening to many
as they might face communicational and practical struggles at a higher level. There are valid opinions regarding whether it is problematic or not, which I will discuss now. Individuals who believe that moving to another country is detrimental and inhibits
from living a normal life argue that an immigrant will feel lonely and isolated in new circumstances leading to certain psychological issues ranging from boredom to depression. They are ,
in addition
, of the opinion that being unable to pursue daily errands can cause serious problems.
For example
, if you have a car accident, how would you transfer your pain and feeling to the doctor thoroughly? Supporters of moving to another country,
on the other hand
, believe that
might feel neglected at the
stage of immigration, eventually they will master a new language and
can lead to special social growth. The reason is that getting to know new bodies from different cultures, provides them with a new perspective on life and will help them communicate better than before. Learning new tongues,
, forces the brain to build new neuro paths which leads to outstanding cognitive improvements.
For example
, studies show bilingual
tend to solve complex issues, better than monolingual
which can lead to great success in their future careers. In conclusion, I agree that there are certain difficulties living abroad brings with it,
, these challenges have the potential to grow us in a way that staying in our country would not. It can be a bright experience provided that you are willing to master a new language and broaden your horizons. curiosity is the core component of approaching
Submitted by z.teymouri92 on

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