Advertising is the most commonly used tool for companies to sell their products. In what aspects of our life is advertising present? What effects can advertising have on people?

Advertising is one of the powerful techniques that not only is used by companies to help them to sell different products but
is used by governments or user institutions to inform people about specific services. In the following
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it will describe the presence of
marketing tool and its effects can on society. To start with, the presence of advertisements is difficult to commit,
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its main objective is to be visible to everyone. A lot of companies use publicity to reach their main targets using different media
as television, magazines, social media, billboards and so on. to achieve a specific action
that is
aligned with the objective of the campaign, which could be to sell a product, achieve more followers or subscriptions.
technique is very powerful because it brings a lot of results to the group, so as a consequence is implemented everywhere. It is needless to say that adverts have positive and negative effects on society. To start with positive ones, advertisement has an informative purpose which helps people to discover the characteristics and functions of a specific product. What is more, it helps to be aware of upcoming sales or offers that could be of our interest.
On the other hand
, it
has some negative effects
as misleading information,
in other words
, not always all the truth about a specific product is proportionated. The perfect example of
is Coca-Cola. Nobody knows the recipe of
famous drink and what it has. In conclusion, advertisement is a great technique which helps different companies and administrations to sell and inform about certain products or services.,
people should know to recognise a manipulative or misleading ad to avoid part of a scam/ swindle.
Submitted by kyp.atthajariya on

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