In the contemporary era ,there is a war of words regarding the belief that individuals tend to work for a longer time .An equal number of crowd opinion in favour of the very notion,on the paradoxical side others are hesitant about it.The following paragraphs would cast light on my personal perspective along with an apt example.I partially agree with the statement.
To commence with,there are multifarious reasons that are responsible for my outlook.The
and foremost prominent reason is due to the increase in expenses the public has to work for a long moment to survive in Linking Words
difficult world.To cite an example,there got of extra expenses rather than from food and additional charges like education of children ,rent of the house ,electricity bill, tax to the government and so on.Linking Words
, these are reasons to work more as well as because of Linking Words
it Linking Words
has a harmful impact on their health ,on their love once and on society Linking Words
in some way.They do take out time for their family and Linking Words
do not contribute to society as it is the moral duty of every citizen.
On the Linking Words
thought,a couple of reasons drive me to consider the opposite notion as well.Linking Words
,they can struggle hard and for longer days to gain extra income to fulfil their dream and manage their cost to survive.Linking Words
For instance
, if a person works for an extra 8 hours Linking Words
they will get additional pay for that ,which is beneficial for the society like the economy of the country is elevated and with the help of ,Linking Words
they can support their family financially and enjoy all the colours of the life.
In a nutshell,taking everyone into account ,I personally feel that Linking Words
the topic has a negative impact on community and health, the downside should not be glossed over.Linking Words