In the future, more people will choose to go on holiday in their own country and not travel abroad on holiday. Do you agree or disagree?

Some predictions show that travellers will prefer to visit their local destinations rather than the ones in a foreign country.
, I strongly disagree with
an idea for a variety of reasons
as I expect the lower cost of long-range travel and the growing tendency among tourists to see other cultures and traditions. Both examples will be extensively discussed and analyzed.
, the advancement of technology allows individuals to spend a shorter time on a long journey at a lower cost.
, they prefer to visit more remote areas than they used to.
For instance
, supersonic aeroplanes can move a large number of passengers over a long distance in less than two hours.
there are still some cost-effective complications, aerospace companies are hopeful to develop sustainable and energy-efficient methods to overcome the expenses.
As a result
, people would be able to reach their destination faster and cheaper than before which makes international travel more desirable.
, nowadays, people tend to introduce themselves to various cultures and traditions in other countries. Especially, with the improvements in communication technology, they have become more inclined toward knowing other nationalities.
For instance
, YouTube allows everyone to have the chance of viewing other international cities which stimulates their curiosity to visit the places from close.
, more and more visitors would be attracted to international tourist attractions. In conclusion, I believe visiting foreign countries will become more convenient than the local places, and
transformation is the result of lowering the cost of travelling means and the growing tourists' enthusiasm to learn more about other nations.
Submitted by parhaash on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • domestic tourism
  • international travel
  • cultural exchange
  • national pride
  • affordability
  • convenience
  • ecotourism
  • heritage sites
  • local businesses
  • comfort zone
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