A lot of teachers now advocate new technologies in their daily lessons and feel these are essential parts of education in these decades, but some other educators are worried about
trend and feel these Linking Words
may create distractions to daily study. In Use synonyms
article, we will discuss both views and give my own opinion.
On the one hand, those supporters of the technology believe that innovative teaching instruments Linking Words
as projectors or interactive games could give Linking Words
Use synonyms
understanding of the material from the book, because some of the ideas from the textbook might be too abstract for young people and would need a more visual presentation to explain, and those technologies with better visual and sound presentation would help broaden Linking Words
' understanding of a subject. Use synonyms
, Linking Words
for example
, for a lot of chemistry or physics classes, there are experiments that could not be fully reproduced for safety or material limitation reasons. By using high-tech Linking Words
like computer programming, teachers would be able to show more details on a knowledge point using programs, Use synonyms
leading to a better education effect.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, some people are worried about the drawbacks that these innovative devices may bring. Linking Words
For instance
, Linking Words
may be focusing only on the gaming part of the teaching Use synonyms
or use computers in the class for online chatting if they were allowed to bring them to school. Use synonyms
, teenagers, who rely on fancy mechanisms too much, would lose their ability to understand abstract words from written materials and may not be able to keep concentrating when they were required to read a traditional book. Linking Words
, those distractions, I think, should not be the reason to limit the usage of technology in class, since it should be the teachers' responsibility to keep Linking Words
on the right track using those Use synonyms
In conclusion, those new technology advocators think that that new way of teaching could help Use synonyms
learn better, while others are worried that Use synonyms
may use them not for study. I think education institutions should keep that innovative way of teaching an essential part of their teaching process and pay some effort to lead the Use synonyms
to use those in the right way.Use synonyms