Dear Mrs Smith,
I am writing to make you aware of the loud music noises we hear from your house
and how we find it difficult to have a peaceful environment.
Replace the word
every day
we have been having Linking Words
issue for the Linking Words
1 month, we thought you will take notice and take the necessary steps. Unfortunately! it didn't happen. We honestly do not mind if we hear the noises for one or two hours but sometimes we could hear the songs for almost 10 hours at a stretch.
My children are finding it really hard to concentrate on their studies and they have their exams end of Linking Words
month as well. And my youngest son is just 06 months old and he is finding it really hard to fall asleep.
We do not want to take legal action or have an argument over Linking Words
. Linking Words
I would appreciate it if you could look into Linking Words
matter at your earliest and give us a solution. If you could bring down the volume, I am sure it will surely help my family to get their work done peacefully.
Yours sincerely
Migara WickramasingheLinking Words