contemporary era, an increasing number of television shows play scenes with some violence involved, which negatively impacts children. In my opinion, they should be either prohibited or their content should be checked before releasing to the general public.
Linking Words
, violent TV programs have a bad impact on the brains of youngsters. Linking Words
is because when they watch Linking Words
scenarios, they try to imitate them in real life. As juveniles in their early stage of life mostly learn from the surrounding environment, Linking Words
bad illustrations on the television often teach them to abuse and physically assault other individuals. Linking Words
, they develop a bad image in society which often make them less attractive for social interactions in the community. Linking Words
For instance
, as my nephew plays violent games and watches wrestling, his nature has become very aggressive and impatient.
Linking Words
, watching violent film series Linking Words
changes a child's behaviour permanently. Linking Words
may have a severe impact on their cognitive and social abilities, which are very important in the early learning stage. Linking Words
, they struggle to maintain an effective relationship with their family and friends; Linking Words
leading to a feeling of isolation and depression. Linking Words
For instance
, a survey showed that more than half of Australian children these days do not have a stable relationship with their families because of their bad behaviour.
In conclusion, television films with violence do have a negative impact on young people, so the governing bodies should either examine the content before releasing it to the public or ban Linking Words
movies permanently. Linking Words
, parents have a very vital role to play by keeping an eye on their children's daily activities and guiding them with wise information.Linking Words