Many cities are now turning parks and farmland into new housing developments. Is this a positive or negative development?

Urbanization has recently been a trend in most cities and towns. Some think it is good to see farms and green belts replaced by new buildings, I agree with those who argue that there are lots of drawbacks to
, fewer farms and plants will deteriorate the natural environment. Trees and plants play a critical role in the weather system, including air purification and soil and water loss prevention.
, without enough vegetation, the temperature in towns will fluctuate vigorously between days and nights and air pollution will remain.
For instance
, Shanxi province in China became a desert after deforestation many years ago.
, people in cities need parks to relax due to pressure from work and family. Nowadays, more individuals are suffering from a heavy workload, and some choose to visit gardens with family members during weekends. It is quite pleasant to enjoy a picnic in a natural environment, smell the perfume of flowers and watch kids chasing each other. According to research on residents in Tokyo, more individuals have been seeking help from psychologists since the urbanization in the 1980s. Obviously, the risk of mental issues will increase if city residents lose
opportunity. Admittedly, more housing programs will bring more residents and boost the economy, which means more job positions and taxpayers. It
can help stabilize the housing market and relieve the mortgage burden of young house buyers.
, meanwhile more problems like air pollution and criminals will show up due to more vehicles and a crowded population. In conclusion, turning parks and farmlands into resident buildings will worsen climate change and affect people’s mental health,
it could promote economic progress.
Submitted by dandantotoro on

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