some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortages of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Many have different views when it comes to handling challenging events in daily life. Some
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making changes to counteract the bad effects while others support accepting things as they are and moving on. I am in agreement with the former view. On one hand, demanding a better future has its own benefits.
, the developments
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and innervations are founded by the very nature of humans who
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to make advances in the standards of living. For, instance, Dr Louis Pasteur found the germ theory because he strived to tackle human diseases and help fellow beings to live without infections.
, for the world to move forward we should not just be passive in face of adversaries.
, It would give a sense of hope and strength to sail across difficult times.
of repenting and feeling
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up, if, someone works towards achieving a solution, that person would indeed be much at ease despite the outcome.
On the other hand
, there is only one reason many don't take any action in difficulties which is, being afraid of being hurt. When one rebels, demands, stand-up it is natural to sometime receive a reaction that we didn't dare to think of. Fear of the unexpected
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keeps us to comply with an absurd situation.
For instance
, many employees dare not raise their voices against discriminating employers because of the fear of losing their job. Even though
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doing so might put the worker at risk, there is a legal system that can be sorted to protect the victims. In conclusion, working towards improvement has greater merits than being quiet.
stems new creations as well
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those who face adversaries more at ease. Despite negative backlash would be a side effect of raising against bad things, its benefits are far greater.
Submitted by ghm_day on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • pragmatic approach
  • mental peace
  • stoic attitude
  • proactive measures
  • personal growth
  • financial management
  • sense of accomplishment
  • resignation
  • helplessness
  • stress and burnout
  • fatalism
  • collective well-being
  • self-determination
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