Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favor of them because of their benefits to humanity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In today's fast-paced world,
are being victims in laboratories. To find new medicines and vaccines, we are depending on
, some people raise their voices on "Not to kill
anymore"for their own business purposes. In
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I will explain both views and mention my opinion. On the one hand, some species like rats, pigs, and rabbits are a vital role in test trials in the invention of medical drugs. These are not endangered species, we can find them in any country or city. As well as,
experiment fails, responsibility should be on the scientist's side. If testing is done on humans, it might be costlier, and cause death
. despite , new formulae need to trails before releasing in the market to know how effective.
, to heal humans corrective medicine is required to test for
On the other hand
, getting good own results by torturing others is not good for humanity. If we notice
pandemic, several people came for a vaccine test run.
In addition
, some citizens are affected by small health issues like vomiting or high heartbeat. apart from these ,symptoms no one was affected seriously.
, charities and organisations are running to protect
with humanity worldwide. In conclusion, the creation of vaccines is welcomed but think about of experiment on
of humans. In my ,opinion examinations should be run on healthy people not on any
. As we human beings need to care for other creatures.
Submitted by anand.gnt92 on

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