Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding the changes. Others, however think that changes is always a good thing. Discuss both the views and give your own opinion.

While some individuals love living their lives by repeating the same approach only and avoid trying other means, others feel that it is good to consider other approaches. In my opinion, I believe it is beneficial to be flexible in our approaches to our way of
. On the
hand, many believe approaching
way only is the best and any alteration may cost them losses.
In other words
, they trust their method and see it as a standard that can make them survive easily with little or no loss irrespective of the level of their achievements. These scenarios,
for instance
, can be found among many professors who have had many years of lecturing experience and found it difficult to take up a career in other professions other than lecturing.
set of individuals is likely afraid of committing to other means of getting things done.
On the other hand
, others believe that doing things in another way can benefit them in the long run.
In other words
, those who allow changes will have many options to survive if
approach becomes unworkable. These groups of people will have capacities to attend to various issues with their flexibility.
For example
, many international students search for any job to survive in foreign countries irrespective of their career aspirations. In my opinion, flexibility in getting things done has lots of benefits as discussed in the
That is
, those who are flexible eventually become multi-talented with various skills that will make them stand out among their counterparts.
For instance
, I used to work as a general labourer during my study. I was exposed to factories, construction sites and warehouses. These helped me a lot when I eventually started my professional career in terms of relationship and communication skills. In conclusion, adopting various approaches in
is better than believing in
will help in staying strong against the challenges of
Submitted by peteromisakin on

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