In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of diverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

A few years later, humans will be no longer drivers, but passengers
due to
technological advancements.
these improvements will have the negative effect of diminishing driver jobs completely and making an uncertain decision to save passengers' or others' lives, I think these disadvantages can not overweight the positive results from bringing to the economy and humans' lives. My first reason is that prices of consumer products will owing to the reduction in logistics costs,
drivers will be unemployed for short terms.
For instance
, transporting products is expensive because of limitations on truck drivers' working hours. If trucks have self-driving tools, travelling time and cost associated with it will be deducted.
As a consequence
, there will be new jobs related to automation and robotics and both productivity and efficiency will boom in the near future.
, most doubt whether a machine can choose people over objects as soon as a sudden dangerous situation occurs. We must remember that Rome was not built in a day
so as
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driverless technology. Cars we drive with automatic shifts are an appropriate example of
matter. Since it took dozens of years of research and failures, the majority of cars have them
of manual shifts.
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I believe tremendous developments will be made with the help of AI in order to not only perform causing the least but
prevent it
to happen
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from happening
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. In conclusion, every vehicle we have will be replaced by driverless ones in the
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coming years.
, these improvements might have drawbacks, I do believe the pros related to the economy and the potential of the technology overweight the
Submitted by mongoliatg on

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