International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages? Write at least 250 words.

The travel industry has experienced a major boom over the past 10 years
due to
globalization and better living standards for people around the world.
As a result
, the most visited countries take economic advantages and
, their tourist attraction negatively impacts the local community and environment. In
essay, I will discuss the pros and cons of international tourism and give my opinion, on why many places positively evolved through the development of tourism. On the one hand, the rising influx of holidaymakers is the main reason for the pollution of many places around the world. Travelling people litter on their vacations a lot and leave their holiday destinations full of trash.
, the hotels and entertainment places near them produce more waste during the tourist period as they use non-eco-friendly advertising supplies for visitors. Because of
, the locals can hardly manage the recycling and the influx of garbage.
For instance
, on Bali Island, there is a government restriction for tourists visiting the Island as they destroy the natural environment.
On the other hand
, the economic boost that accompanies a successful travel industry shows advantages on the life and work of the local community. The more travellers visit a country, the more local economies develop and the more profits the country itself. Having said that, local entrepreneurship can show dramatic increases
as developing businesses, and opening new spaces and partnerships with other entrepreneurs. Take my country by the way of example, wherein the most visited city – Samarqand
due to
the number of incoming tourists built a modern tourist centre, which provided jobs and developed the rural town. In conclusion, it can be said that the travel industry nowadays has moved beyond entertainment and shows the impact on the economy, environment and infrastructure. The cities balance the budget and open the horizon for the local community through holidaymakers.
At the end
of the day, tourism as a profitable sector will prosper despite of mentioned disadvantages.
Submitted by aakbarov2010 on

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task achievement
Your essay presents a complete response to the prompt, effectively discussing the pros and cons of international tourism. To elevate the argument, ensure to balance the discussion equally between benefits and drawbacks, potentially highlighting lesser-known but pertinent points such as cultural exchange or long-term sustainability practices.
coherence cohesion
The logical structure of your essay is clear with a well-organized introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Enhancing coherence can be achieved by using more transitional phrases to join ideas smoothly, ensuring the essay flows more naturally from one point to the next.
task achievement
Your ideas are presented clearly and comprehensively. However, deeper elaboration on certain points, such as how exactly local entrepreneurship benefits from tourism or detailing specific negative impacts on the environment, will make your argument more persuasive.
task achievement
The essay provides relevant, specific examples which significantly strengthen your discussion and provide clear illustrations of your main points.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are well-presented, effectively framing the essay and summarizing the central arguments. This helps in making the essay coherent and complete.
coherence cohesion
Main points are logically structured, showcasing a clear progression of ideas from the introduction through the body paragraphs to the conclusion, ensuring the essay is easy to follow.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • enormous benefit
  • impact
  • local inhabitants
  • environment
  • disadvantages
  • outweigh
  • advantages
  • economic benefits
  • job creation
  • cultural exchange
  • infrastructure development
  • promotion
  • local products
  • environmental impact
  • exploitation
  • resources
  • cultural erosion
  • increased cost of living
  • overcrowding
  • congestion
  • balancing
  • benefits
  • disadvantages
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