It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishments' is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? what sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children?

’s ability to distinguish between the right behaviour from the wrong one is vital, especially at the very early stage of their life.
, appropriate penalties are needed to assist them in developing
results in my absolute contention in regard to the suitable application of necessary punishment in educating our offspring because it is the most encouraging and effective method.
, appropriate penalty contributes to the success of helping youngsters tell the truth from the false.
For example
, when our little friends develop some bad behaviour, we can simply stop awarding any candies or discontinue giving them the toys they are most fond of as a form of penalty and lift the ban only when our little friends cease that adverse action.
is very effective as it makes them realize that they are committed to a wrong thing which stops them from being granted an award.
, the
will psychologically undo the bad action in exchange for the resumption of granting the award or the toys.
, some families have gone far beyond the needed punishment and have turned it into violence.
For instance
, parents usually scold adolescents with bad words or smash them with a hard wooden stick which can result in weeks of marks or wounds on their arms or legs.
is something I believe should be prevented for not only is it brutal but it
inflicts a negative impact on them both physically and mentally. In fact, there are some laws in the US to assist
when they suffer from family violence.
As a result
, suitable flexible and non-violent measures must be observed to help shape our young generation's right behaviour and keep them away from the wrong things.
For instance
, we can award them when they help us with household chores or simply deprive them of a weekly financial subsidy when they did not finish doing homework or assignments. In short, strict rules, punishment and awards play a tremendously essential role in coaching
in the early stage of their life.
In addition
, a flexible yet non-violent measure is the optimal method as it is psychologically proven to be effective and encouraging to guide
to the right thing while preventing them from committing any wrongdoings.
Submitted by minhthai191990 on

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