The most important function of music is that it helps people reduce stress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sounds are the most pleasant part of self-amusement in all times of history.
is closely connected with stress levels. Because of harsh work and interpersonal issues individuals are permanently overwhelmed. I totally agree that listening to
helps people to deal with stress. Analysing the musical effect on water as well as the mood correlation will prove
, different types of sounds are strongly related to our neuro system.
For instance
, German scientists conducted research, which proved that classical compositions have a positive impact on crystals of water while rock
does harm to
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. Indeed, listening to Mozart or Bach can decrease your emotional suppression and enhance your health while pank burdens your mind state.
physical evidence underlines the helpfulness of
as a tool against stress.
possesses a significant function of entertaining during a variety of frames of mind. To cite an example, blues support correlates with your sadness and tackles the relationship problems through perception. It is well-known that playing it on the piano not only develops instrumental skills but
encourages a person to come through sorrow.
For example
, break-up services use a soul and slow pop for healing their clients from emotional breakthroughs.
, playing your daily playlist really matters for your emotional well-being. In conclusion, listening to certain sounds prevents you from being overwhelmed as well as improves your mental and physical condition. It is recommended that in the future people will prefer more classical tracks
of noisy and heavy ones.
Submitted by ma6ax on

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