Recently, there is a majority of high school pupils take a
part-time and not only studied. Everyone has different reasons and conditions; Use synonyms
, there are both views of Linking Words
circumstance between advantages and disadvantages of that.
Linking Words
of all, even there are many students who take part-time jobs while they are studying at the high school level. Surely, everyone has their reason; Linking Words
as, one would like to take an activity during is a student because who have no enough money from his parent to pay the cost of school, and another one prefers to do part-time Linking Words
because they just want to explore and get more experience from that job who does. Use synonyms
That is
the individual's business, so, everyone should not judge and command the other's life.
Linking Words
, move to mention about disadvantages of Linking Words
thing. There are the main cons of Linking Words
situation Linking Words
as, anyone will be tried and sick if they do both hard Linking Words
and study. Use synonyms
In other words
, Linking Words
and life are not balanced. They will be feeling stressed and under more pressure, if they can not stop or avoid Use synonyms
habit, Linking Words
that is
the case occurs with students who have no money and still suffer from it. Linking Words
On the other hand
, there are many advantages, Linking Words
as increasing new experience, and preparing and practising themself before they will be undergraduates, which is so interesting and Linking Words
worth trying at least once.
In conclusion, the circumstance has both pros and cons, depending on one's conditions, logic, tradition and health. Someone should try part-time tasks because they can manage their life so completely. Unfortunately, others should not take any part-time because they are probably not good to plan their activity.Linking Words