A magazine wants to include contributions from its readers for an article called ‘the book that influenced me most’ Write a letter to the editor of the magazine about the book that influenced you most. in your letter • describe what this book was about • explain how this book influenced you • say whether this book would be likely to influence other people

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in regard to your request for our thoughts on a book that has had an impact on us. I found a book called 'The Midnight Library' in a bookshop close to where I live. It tells the adventures of a young girl who commits suicide out of despair and finds herself in a library filled with books
of dying. After reading each book, she realizes that they contain a version of her
that she could have had. In the end, she realizes that even though she hasn't had much luck before, by changing her perspective, she can live contentedly.
story impacted me significantly as I was experiencing some hardships in my
at that time and felt the same despair that she did. It opened my eyes to the fact that even though I have had some failures in my
, there are still many more paths I can take, and there is still hope at the end of the tunnel. In my opinion,
is a story that will influence other people as it tells the story of all ordinary people. It will prove that
we may encounter many challenges in
, we can find the strength in us to tackle those challenges and break free from the mundanity of
. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any more questions about my thoughts on
matter. Yours sincerely, Dorsa Alami
Submitted by TUTOO on

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