some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime, others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for commiting it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Criminal activities are often caused by a large number of reasons.
argue for having a certain punishment for any kind of crime, others believe that the situation must be taken into consideration and not all
should be punished in the same way. I tend to agree with the second opinion. On the one hand, the reason that some
think all criminals should be punished in the same way is that it will not take the criminal justice system's time like it does today. With the crime rates rising dramatically, courts are often busy places and they are always dealing with a wide range of crimes.
, if all inmates had the same convictions, it would have been better for society who work
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as the judge, jury and lawyers.
On the other hand
, the motivation of the convict is important and it should be taken into consideration.
commit crimes in different situations and with different motivations. One can commit murder simply because of self-defence, or it can be manslaughter. It depends if the crime was premeditated or unintentional.
, the offender may be a juvenile, which was not aware of the action's consequences. After considering the circumstances, the court will have different solutions for each criminal.
For instance
, by sentencing to prison for a number of years, by paying fines, or even by doing community service. In conclusion, I believe we should first look for the cause, and
decide what we can do to prevent
action in the future.
Submitted by Vaniatbt11 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • fixed punishments
  • consistency
  • predictability
  • deter crime
  • potential offenders
  • streamline
  • judicial process
  • bias
  • corruption
  • complexity
  • human behavior
  • circumstances
  • justice system
  • intent
  • remorse
  • socio-economic background
  • rehabilitate offenders
  • recidivism rates
  • flexible punishment systems
  • inconsistencies
  • perceived injustices
  • public trust
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