is Unnecessary verb
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has been
trueReplace the word
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seen that the increasing number of environmental issues poses a great threat to our generations.
some people believe that losing certain
is the most serious
problemsFix the agreement mistake
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we are faced with, I am of an opinion that we
have to solve other severe
On the one hand, many people agree that the loss of various
of wildlife
would lead to
a detrimental effectsCorrect the article-noun agreement
detrimental effects
a detrimental effect
show examples
on our environment for many noteworthy reasons. The most remarkable one is that it is likely to threaten our whole ecosystem because the population of
is related to complex contexts. To use a common example of
, when a specific animal or plant is endangered or even extinct, it easily results in successive destruction of the food chain, and our ecosystem might be filled with a kind of chaos. A
point is that the number of domestic
and edible
reduces at
point, and it ultimately brings about the scarcity of food resources.
, it is
a Correct article usage
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currently the most significant
issuesFix the agreement mistake
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for us to lose the
, other people disagree with
statement for many reasons. The most important reason for
is that we are now struggling with more critical environmental
, which
degradesCorrect subject-verb agreement
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the quality of our living environment.
, nowadays, we consume large amounts of fossil
to use many transportations like a car and run factories, and
the Correct article usage
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contribute to releasing exhaustion fumes and greenhouse gases.
, it is
difficult for us to dispose of a huge amount of waste, especially biodegradable things including plastic containers and plastic bags, which
emitsCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
toxic chemicals when it is burnt out or buried in landfills. These
gases and chemicals from fossil
and rubbishes worsen global warming which is more and more damaging on even our life
the environment.
, we are facing
with Change preposition
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much more serious
than losing the number of
In conclusion, when all the specific reasons and relevant examples are considered and evaluated, I firmly believe that we should focus on other environmental issues now rather than the loss of
in our ecosystem because there are more severe
we must solve.