In a number of countries, some people think It is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Others belleve the money should be spent on improving existing public transport. Discuss both these vlews and give your own opinion.

It is often considered that nowadays development is crucial of the nations
some funds should be devoted to the construction of new
tracts which help in connecting more cities with fast trains.
, a few individuals believed that wages should be invested in existing means of transport. In my, inclined cash should be spent on spreading new
essay will elaborate on both notions which
leads to a logical conclusion. Commencing, in modern times, development is necessary
the size of the population has highly surged which demands a proper means of transport.
, widespread
networks help in the progress of the nations.
, fast trains provide more opportunities to the masses and the GDP of countries will be increased.
For example
, In Japan, the government devote a huge sum of money to developing
lines for the fastest trains which interconnect manyfold cities and in the
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future it will be more beneficial for the population. Moving
, some folks believed that existing public transport needs some investment because the maximum number of youths can travel from one place to another.
, the journey of netizens can be more comfortable and cheap enough.
For instance
, in Delhi, the federal authorities annually spend a large sum of money on the Delhi metro in order to maintain the safety of passengers and provide them with comfortable rides without any injury. In a nutshell, transportation systems required a lot of support nowadays because the size of the population has highly increased.
, the development of fast railways tracts enhances the commuting ratio and relationship between nations.
Submitted by vermarohit981.rv on

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