Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others ay that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In today's era, industrialisation is increasing rapidly, to establish industries, forests are in the procedure of cutting. As consequence, the animals have a shortage of places to live and survive. Some individuals think that
is a negative impact on the environment but the other portion of the population believes that there are various other reasons for
demolishing. I agree with the former view because of obstacles in the supply chain and the effects on
quality and weather
due to
. The supply chain is disturbed because of hunting and meat consumers which leads to an impacted environment for humans.
To sum up
hunting, people kill some birds that can help to clean society by eating waste and not alive animals. In the absence of those specific environments can be polluted
due to
the smell of waste and the dead bodies of other species. Meat consumers are
responsible for
, frog eaters are
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and insects have a short life cycle and their small bodies are a factor to create smell and fungus,if not vanishing on time.
In addition
, plants are helpful for rainfall and oxygen inhaled by living beings.The decline in trees means inadequate rain for vegetation and health issues during not having enough oxygen for humans. Carbon dioxide is consumed by these which pollutes the clean
. Less count of trees increases the number of dangerous gases in the fresh
and the quality of
becomes dangerous and unhealthy to inhale.
For example
, the capital of India is Delhi which is considered a polluted city
due to
less greenery and
quality is
unhealthy there. In conclusion, I believe that a smooth food supply chain and a good climate are necessary factors to keep the environment healthy and clean which can result in enough flora and fauna on the planet.
Submitted by rkaurbrar2800 on

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