Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child's development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The growth and development of pupils are influenced by the environment in which they are raised. The importance of schooling which was always debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial
others deny
notion. I believe the latter proposition is more rational and intends to elaborate
opinions of these arguments in the essay and
will lead to a logical conclusion. On one hand, there is a myriad of reasons that teaching children in school is quite advantageous. The most pivotal aspect is that institutes play a significant role in
the mental and physical development of teenagers.
For instance
, there are various extracurricular activities in schools
as sports,dance,art and music that contribute to raising physical fitness
along with
creativity and expression of thoughts,
the studies related to different subjects
as maths,science and social by expert teachers certainly boost the cognitive and intellectual skills of the adolescents.
, all these merits stand in good stead.
On the contrary
, tutoring a child at residence has its own benefits. The most prominent one is that a stress-free environment is present at
which ultimately increases the will to study and perform in every field. To exemplify, in academic institutes, there are strict tutors and disciplined surroundings that create a lot of pressure on youth to study hard
as well as
competition among other schoolmates is
another source of anxiety.
, studying from
saves money for the parents to some extent as they do not have to spend it on travel expenses to school ,especially among the lower-level communities.
To conclude
, there are
positive and negative impacts of
trends but the advantages of studying at school outweigh that at
.The higher authorities of schools should set some rules regarding days of studying like four days per week in the institute and three days per week at
measures would definitely result in positive outcomes for teenagers.
Submitted by shubhamshubi1999 on

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