As we know,One of the most controversial issues around the world is health. Meanwhile,some people believe,to have a healthy body everyone should be vegetarian.I can neither completely agree nor disagree with
statement.because there are several merit and demerit
inChange preposition
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vegetarianAdd an article
a vegetarian
the vegetarian
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I will discuss
about Remove the preposition
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both views with some examples.
It is well-established fact that our bodies need some
nutritionsCorrect your spelling
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to be healthy and stable.vegetables and plants first of all,help our bodies feel
more Correct quantifier usage
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fresh and lively.vegetables have
many minerals and vitamins and they are full of water that they are not only suitable for bodies but
they are useful for skins.
, vegetarians can gain protein and
vitaminFix the agreement mistake
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from some plants
beanFix the agreement mistake
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peaFix the agreement mistake
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and soybean.
vegetarians typically have
healthyAdd an article
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because their
areChange the verb form
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low in fat .and
itCorrect pronoun usage
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reduce the risk of heart attacks and it is one of the best way
controlFix the infinitive
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weight and obesity.
,nutritionists recommend people should eat
and vegetable equally.first and foremost,our body
requireChange the verb form
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protein and supplement to build muscles that they are only in
and animal products
as milk or egg.
, we need some kinds of
as beef,lamb,chicken or fish which
they Correct pronoun usage
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are full of valuable and vital ingredients that
they Correct pronoun usage
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are necessary to have a healthy body and sound physical structure.
,some researches demonstrate
eaters are more energetic and active.
,In my perspective,with
combinationAdd an article
a combination
the combination
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and vegetable and
addWrong verb form
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both of them to our daily routine
we can gain the desired result.