In the past, people stored knowledge in books. Nowadays people store knowledge on the internet. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

In recent decades, there
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has been
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a rapid growth in the number of users of online libraries. Some scholars and authors believe that it is convenient and accessible to record their achievements on websites, and I firmly agree with
point of view.
To begin
with, the behaviour of uploading findings and achievements online brings countless conveniences to students and experts.
For example
, many schools and institutions have their own online libraries for their students and staff to easily access the materials. It takes less time to virtually search papers on the website
of physical efforts.
, the internet is a great path for writers and professionals to make sure their topics and ideas are workable. Online information can support the relevant knowledge and information for people the most of time.
On the other hand
, there are some drawbacks to sharing knowledge online.
, people do not always have the ability and access to the internet.
For instance
, it is hard for users to get any useful information when the wifi is disconnected, but they can read a physical book at any time.
, the spread scope of these great achievements and findings is
Correct your spelling
by the network. The copyright of these works on the internet is hard to protect, authors can not get their revenues as much as they publish a real book. In conclusion, the benefits of containing knowledge and achievement online are ignorable.
convenient method needs more maintenance effort from the users and recipients of all websites.
Submitted by zaushiyi on

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task achievement
The introduction clearly presents the topic and your viewpoint. However, it could be made stronger by briefly summarizing the key points you will discuss in the essay.
task achievement
You have made relevant and valuable points in the body paragraphs, but there is room for more detailed examples and explanations to support your arguments better.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph has one clear controlling idea. Although your points are relevant, each paragraph can benefit from more focus and elaboration.
coherence cohesion
Improve transitions between paragraphs to make your essay more fluid. Using linking words and phrases effectively can help maintain the logical flow of ideas.
coherence cohesion
Strengthen your conclusion by summarizing the main points discussed in the essay and clearly restating your opinion. A more definitive conclusion can leave a lasting impression on the reader.
task achievement
The essay demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic and discusses both advantages and disadvantages of storing knowledge on the internet.
coherence cohesion
Your argumentation is logical, and your ideas are relevant and coherent throughout the essay.
coherence cohesion
The language used is appropriate for an academic essay, and your points are generally clearly expressed.
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