Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what etent do you agree or disagree? what measures do you think might be effective?

In recent years, a debate regarding traffic and air pollution emerged.
In particular
, some people argue that increasing taxes on oil could tackle these issues. I partially agree with
view, because it is surely true that increasing the petrol price could help solve these problems, but only if other measures are applied at the same time. In
essay, a brief explanation of the matter will be given. It is undoubtedly that increasing the cost of fuel could translate into an improvement in car-related issues. In fact, the extensive use of private-owned cars is the main cause of traffic jams and reduced air quality, especially in the biggest cities. Some studies suggest that there is an inverse relationship between oil prices and car usage, giving support to the hypothesis that a rise in taxation on petrol could be the solution.
could help to shift to other, more sustainable, types of fuels,
as hydrogen or plant-based ones.
On the other hand
, a growth in fuel prices could be not sufficient to reach the objective and too much of a burden for the poorest bands of society. For these reasons,
policy should be supported by other ones too.
, the public transportation sector should be improved, with more rides at every hour of the day. Some surveys have pointed out that people would be more than happy to not use their cars
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if only public transport was more developed.
, another action that could be taken, would be to subsidise the passage to electric vehicles, which have reduced emissions and right now are unaffordable for the majority of the population. In conclusion, it can be said that,
increasing the petrol price could be helpful, it is a measure that should not be isolated. As stated above, putting together more policies could be more effective not only in contrasting traffic jams and pollution but
in doing it in a way
that is
not too detrimental for the people in worse economical conditions.
Submitted by formaggio124 on

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