It is important for people to take risks, both in their personal lives and professional lives. Do you think the advantages of taking risk outweigh the disadvantages

Life is offering a hundred opportunities for people to be successful.
, it is accompanied by uncertainties, either high or low.
, risk-taking is widely suggested to be necessary for both professional and private existence. I support the idea that taking risks has greater benefits than drawbacks. In my view, there are several drawbacks to the idea.
To begin
with, it evokes a negative impact on financial stability. As an illustration, investing the majority of the asset in bitcoin for its potentially high return is considered risky because it can cost financially. When the price of bitcoin is going low and lower, the investment becomes failed and cause great losses which cost their asset. The other detrimental is it can damage mental and physical health. The failure to accept the blowback may result in higher stress levels which affect their health. As an example, losing a large fund
due to
an inaccurate portfolio may result in bankruptcy and triggers psychological shock which leads to poor living conditions.
On the other hand
, people can get more advantages if they are willing to take risks. First of all, it is giving more knowledge and experience to grow.
For instance
, stock investors should learn how the trend of stock and company performance,
the outlook of the economy. When the investor takes a chance to buy lots, the price may increase or decrease so investors have a probability to fail or win. But, they will be able to understand deeply from some adventurous attempts and mitigate the speculation based on their experience.
As a result
, it definitely improves their capabilities. The second advantage is opening the opportunity to get a better life.
For example
, the inventor of flu vaccines who have to use their expertise to find and create the formula. The research may go wrong or right, but without giving it a try, we will never have the vaccine forever and lose life opportunities. For the
benefit, it paves the way to achieve our dream. Without a chance to endeavour, we may never accomplish our target.
To conclude
my essay, taking risks is the biggest opportunity to be successful so I believed the benefits are more considerable than the disadvantages.
, we should deliberate the effect rationally and measurably.
Submitted by mirnayanti.sutadisastra on

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