New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

There is a widely held perception in many parts of the world that emerging technologies have revolutionized the shape of joniurs' leisure time. Whilst I firmly believe that some salient virtues can be witnessed from
phenomenon, I
believe that the demerits outnumber the merits for a number of reasons. On the one hand,
a tendency may pour into
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benefit of young children for a number of reasons.
, modern technological utilities
as cell phones, laptops and wireless internet networking have tremendously facilitated the educational process of pupils. If many learning sessions could be held from the comfort of home and with a few clicks,
would curtail the amount of time and effort wasted in commuting to schools.
a facility has helped reduce the spread of infectious diseases, especially, during the Corona pandemic
due to
the decline in close and prolonged contact among young academics.
On the other hand
, despite the previously-mentioned advantages, I still believe that the downsides are utterly more serious for health and social reasons. When spending an outsized amount of time utilizing modern gadgets, young children become profoundly vulnerable to potentially fatal illnesses
as obesity, diabetes and cardiac problems.
is mainly
due to
the sedentary lifestyle they will be leading.
a tendency could possibly yield social seclusion resulting from the passive and solitary nature of modern forms of high-tech appliances.
In addition
, certainly would the ubiquity of
tendency leads to the prevalence of some social ills just as smoking, alcoholism and addiction owing to juniors being morally separated from their caregivers.
, the crime rates among future millennials would surge. In conclusion, I am convinced that the problems mentioned above tip the scale towards disadvantages .
, children's utilization of technological appliances ought to be done under parental supervision.
Submitted by ericssonsony551 on

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