Some people think it is better to choose friend who always have the same opinions as them.Other people believe it is good to have who sometimes disagree with them. Discuss bot these views and give your own opinion .

We, human beings are social creatures who cannot always live alone. How to decide whom you would like to develop friendships with is a controversial issue. Some argue that choosing persons who are similar to yourself is a smart choice, others,
, claim that getting
along with
people who are different from your personality brings more advantages. Personally, I agree with the latter. On the one hand, it is comfortable to stay with
who have similar views to you. The same ideas, hobbies, and thoughts keep you stay on the same wavelength.
For instance
, if your
love travelling, you will easily make a plan for yourselves and get everything prepared and set out.
In contrast
, you would spend a lot of time persuading a person who doesn't like it.
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very little clash happens between them, which leads to more quality moments of cherishing the friendship. Limited time is provided for every individual and every single minute should be spent wisely with happiness and there is no time for disagreement and clash.
On the other hand
, different points of view on the same topic will inspire you and make you think outside of the box.
For example
, the ABC survey found that the majority of the population discusses with
to take any big decision and in that ,scenario if the friend is
having the same conclusion
a thorough analysis can't be made.
In addition
, disagreement helps in building tolerance and acceptance in every human. To lead a better life at every step people will be there to disagree with the information, if it is happening from a young age people learn how to tackle the disagreements. To illustrate, the study finds that the majority of
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successful marriage is based on
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difference in opinion, a spouse gets conflict in beliefs but success is achieved only because of long practice since childhood.
To conclude
, it looks good to have
who agree with all our ideas,
who sometimes disagree will help in uplifting the thought and make us better humans. In my view, I will like to make
with one who disagrees with my ideas occasionally so that each idea can be evaluated from different angles.
Submitted by yes0418 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • like-minded
  • shared beliefs
  • reinforcement
  • conflict avoidance
  • emotional support
  • social activities
  • diverse perspectives
  • personal growth
  • challenging conversations
  • open-mindedness
  • critical thinking
  • negotiate
  • core values
  • healthy debate
  • enriching experiences
  • personal development
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