In many countries today, crime novels and TV crime dramas are becoming more and more popular. Why do you think these books and TV shows are popular? What is your opinion of crime fiction and tv crime dramas? Give reason for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

In recent years, criminal activities is more depicted in series and published in books. The thriller, suspense, and surprise elements have attracted most people. I partially agree that these should be available in public but should be restricted to children under 18 years of age. Humans are attracted towards the shows that excite them.
watching those, they get amused about what is going to happen next.
For instance
, one famous series about robbing the bank had a story full of twists, which blew the minds of viewers.
, readers mostly imagine scenes written in
novels and predict future scenarios.
-related events are most viewed all over the world as they grab people’s attention. In my view, criminal stories should only be available after 18 years. In the internet world, teenagers could easily access
sensitive content and follow the wrong path. One clear example is, online platforms where shows are released usually do not have policies for checking viewers’ ages.
In addition
, earlier there used to be libraries and identification proof was required to issue a book.
, nowadays, books of all genres are available online in PDF format without any rules.
On the other hand
, TV
dramas are medium for spreading awareness among people about recent frauds.
As a result
rates could be minimised. In conclusion, predicting who is the culprit and surprise plots have made
content popular among everyone. In my opinion, I love watching
shows but adolescents should not be allowed to them watch.
Submitted by anjalipatel2705 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • intriguing plot
  • suspense
  • immersive experience
  • well-developed characters
  • crime-solving techniques
  • legal procedures
  • psychological thrill
  • unraveling mysteries
  • societal issues
  • high-quality production values
  • well-crafted storyline
  • strong performances
  • engaging narrative
  • relatable dilemmas
  • thought-provoking content
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