Recycling is an essential process to preserve the ecosystem. Despite all the awareness programmes,
process remains less effective Linking Words
due to
poor compliance. I agree with the statement that strict laws need to be implemented to make garbage recycling more effective.
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, as the population of the earth is rapidly increasing, waste management is becoming more and more difficult. After the industrial revolution, the use of items that don't decay easily Linking Words
as polythene, plastic, glass, metals etc. has significantly increased. Linking Words
, unless these products are reused, they will stay undecayed for hundreds of years to come and will have a negative impact on our environment.
Eventhough, effectively reusing waste products needs public cooperation. Several awareness programmes have been conducted worldwide and many campaigns Linking Words
as the introduction of different colour codes for various groups of discarded things have been introduced. Linking Words
For example
, various colours of collection bags and bins have been introduced to collect kitchen garbage, polythenes, glass and metals separately. But, despite all of the above-mentioned measures, the effectiveness of Linking Words
procedure is not adequate as the majority of people don't actually care about separating discarded items. Linking Words
For instance
, they often mix kitchen waste with polythene bags, which makes it more difficult to reuse these items.
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, strong laws and punishment should be implemented to make people comply with garbage management. For ,example certain countries were able to ban the use of polythene in their country with appropriate legislation against the use of it. When there is a law, every citizen can be asked questions whenever they don't comply with the legislation. Unless it is made a law, civilians will not fully understand the magnitude of issues related to undecayed substances.
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To conclude
, I strongly agree with the suggestion that there needs to be legislation to efficiently execute the recycling process and the compliance of civilians in the separation of discarded things.Linking Words