Some experts believe it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

convenience foods are widely perceived as unhealthy and harmful to health, many still crave them. They have
become increasingly readily available over the past few decades. In
essay, I will outline some benefits of
phenomenon and explain why I feel that there are far more significant drawbacks. Many people prefer to have quick meal options because of two main benefits.
, it is affordable for people in general, particularly for youngsters and low-income persons. A varied diet offers enjoyable alternatives for these groups of people as it contains a huge amount of carbohydrates that provide energy. Another benefit is convenience
due to
the availability of more restaurants. Fast food is designed to be quick and easy to obtain, making it a popular choice for those who are short on time or do not have access to other eating options. These reasons make more access to junk food advantageous. Despite the convenience and affordability, the frequent consumption of
a diet could create many serious drawbacks. One disadvantage is a lack of nutritional value, particularly for children. Because on-the-go dishes generally have favourable tastes and contain fewer vitamins, proteins and healthy fats, if parents and teachers do not carefully monitor and educate their kids, it would inevitably lead to
health issues as obesity and high blood pressure in the long run. A
downside is an additive nature because junk foods are high in sugar, salt and unhealthy fats, making consumers addicted and difficult to resist. Easy access to them will potentially support bad habits and increase exposure to one's worse well-being. In conclusion,
fast food consumption costs less in terms of money and time, in my opinion, it could eventually affect severe health problems.
, the disadvantages of
development definitely outweigh the advantages.
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Topic Vocabulary:
  • cognitive abilities
  • pronunciation
  • self-conscious
  • cultural awareness
  • global society
  • proficiency levels
  • competitive job market
  • foundational skills
  • qualified teachers
  • recreational activities
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