Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Every time when I browse and pick dresses randomly online, my homepage of Facebook is occupied by ads with the same style of the dress I just saw. It is claimed that
kind of advertisement is a successful way to turn views into profits,
some believed that it can often get ignored. In the following essay, I would describe viewpoints from both sides and explain why I think
method can not be so effective. On the one hand, some commercial campaigns believe that dispensing enough ads to gain more publicity is vital. Making celebrities demonstrate and prove how effective their products are can be the most common approach.
For example
, Surf Shark, which is a VPN provider, finds the majority of YouTubers in Taiwan to persuade the audiences into using it.
On the other hand
, some cyber shoppers complain about annoying advertisements for the things they've already bought and are not interested in at all. Brainwashing commercial delivery can turn potential customers into dismissing or even abhorring it naturally.
For instance
, Ellen as an amazon online shop manager, tries to use excessive ads to sell her management courses.
, the frequency of the commercial is too high, causing massive negative responses from the readers of the ad. In the end, few receivers remember and finish watching the promotion. Some cyber users even made ironic photos about it by saying it is the best ad-blockers advertisement ever. From a personal perspective, I opined that advertisements are not working effectively nowadays because of the low tolerance for high-frequency commercials. The way of receiving promotions is different from before. More regulations are designed to improve the disclosure of advertisement purposes. Most audiences can be aware of the fact that those representatives of the products are being paid to recommend them rather than do so by heart.
For instance
, videos that are made to promote certain goods need to be tagged specifically on YouTube at the beginning of them.
videos, most people choose to turn off the video once the campaign part begins. In conclusion, despite the plague of advertisements in daily life, more new rules are designed to make commercial activities' purposes more noticeable. Customers are not being easily fooled into buying products by advertising.
Submitted by qooe212156822000 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • persuade
  • promote
  • attract
  • influence
  • impact
  • consumerism
  • commercialism
  • market
  • product
  • brand
  • endorsement
  • manipulative
  • saturated
  • overwhelmed
  • repetitive
  • distracting
  • irrelevant
  • exaggerated
  • misleading
  • desensitized
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