In some countries, parents expect their children to spend a long time studying both in and after school and have less free time. What are the positive and negative effects on children and the society they live in?

It is true that kids are requested to be involved in both formal and extra classes, and
as a result
, their leisure
is non-existent. From my perspective,
phenomenon is problematic to a certain extent, and I will give my detailed explanation in the following paragraphs. It is undebatable that
phenomenon has a conductive influence on children and the public. First of all, students who spend more
learning and achieve brilliant results can find a career opportunity in the future.
In particular
, straight-A
will graduate with excellent degrees, which provides them with competitive advantages when facing recruiters. In fact, competition is fierce among the labour force, so amazing qualifications become the default necessary things for job-seekers.
, studying will create useful and versatile individuals for the community. Specifically, the increased studying
makes it possible for students to study more subjects, and
, they will have more skills in more disciplines, which play an important role in the development of society. In fact, to be able to handle the problems of accounting software, the public will need individuals who study both programming and economics.
, there are some detrimental impacts on kids and the public in
, over-studying has an adverse effect on the well-being of students, both mentally and physically. To be specific,
who study in a dimly light environment or are exposed to computer screens for long periods would suffer from myopia and other vision impairments.
In addition
, stressful sections would create a lot of stress for undergraduates, which would lead to depression in the long run.
, pupils lack the opportunities to expand their social circle.
In particular
, learning occupies their most leisure
, which should have been allocated to communication with friends. Worse still,
become lonely and reclusive adults
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and lack interpersonal skills, including public speaking and teamwork. In conclusion, it is undebatable that studying provides
with several positive impacts, namely career opportunities and development.
, I reckon that the negative side of over-studying outweighs the previously mentioned side, including worse well-being and stress.
Submitted by nttung.182 on

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