Large companies should pay higher salaries to CEOs and executives compared to other workers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In modern society, many enterprises commonly pay high salaries to their management executives, which is far more than normal staff. I agree with
kind of payment rule because I consider income as the most direct way to attract talented people which is beneficial for the development of the
in addition
, large income is
a reflection of the risks and duties which these managers need to bear as well. I will explain my views in the following essay.
To begin
with, the demand for capable employees in firms will increase
along with
the development of the business,
, people who know how to operate the
well are scared in the human resource market, and
as a consequence
, it is difficult to hire a proper senior managerial personnel from a fiercely competitive environment with the exception of offering a high salary.
For instance
, it is easier to hire a suitable CEO than competitors by giving a huge salary, thereby taking an advantage in the industry.
, the fact that senior employees earn more money than other workers is naturally determined by the market because they can produce more value for the
On the other hand
, the executives
Verb problem
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more responsibilities and risks than other employees
due to
their decision-making can dominate the corporation's future and it's
related to their personal and professional reputation.
For example
, if a CEO does not lead the
to generate more profits, it will be difficult for him/her to find a similar job again.
, they deserve to earn more. In conclusion, the phenomenon of executives earning more than normal staff is a result of business competition,
, high-level staffs need to take more responsibilities to progress the
than other workers.
According to
these reasons, I agree to provide them with higher salaries.
Submitted by 15280151 on

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You could improve the essay by using a wider range of vocabulary and more varied sentence structures. While your arguments are clear, enhancing your linguistic variety would make the essay more engaging.
Task Response
Consider expanding on the examples you provide. For instance, you might mention specific industries or case studies that illustrate how high salaries for executives have benefited companies. This would make your arguments more convincing.
There are a few minor grammatical errors and awkward phrases. For example, 'scared' should be 'scarce,' and 'due to their decision-making can dominate' should be revised for clarity. Reviewing and editing your essay for such errors can make it more polished.
Your essay is well-structured with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. This helps in delivering your points effectively.
Task Response
You provided good reasoning to support your viewpoint, particularly the link between high salaries and the responsibilities and risks that executives bear.
The coherence of your essay is strong. Each paragraph logically follows from the previous one, making your arguments easy to follow.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • executive compensation
  • income disparity
  • corporate governance
  • incentive structures
  • ethical considerations
  • competitive advantage
  • demotivation
  • pay structures
  • social inequality
  • talent acquisition
  • company culture
  • economic impact
  • leadership roles
  • employee morale
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