In recent times, most of the teenagers select inline media such as instagram facebook and so on to interact with each other

In recent times, most youngsters select online
as Instagram Facebook and so on to interact with each other. Many things to do to encourage teenagers to spend lots of time with one another in person is to make facilities in public places namely parks, malls and so on
To begin
with, the main reason youth prefer social
is to communicate with each other is more convenient.Because it is a very easy and time-saving thing, they prefer online
. To put on other ways, for individuals who feel discomfort in physical meetings that time social
help them to meet and interact with others.
For example
, some psychology studies say that people who are introverted have more friends online than offline friends. So
that is
the reason teenagers choose to socialise in online meetings.
, the main measure to take to encourage minors to spend more time meeting one another in person is to improve facilities in public places.
In other words
, Government and individuals must add some attractive things in parks and malls which is resulted to set a meeting in public places. So
that is
the main thing to do to reduce online meetings. Through
humans can meet others the face In conclusion, most youngsters prefer online
to meet each other because it is more convenient and time-saving,
the main thing to encourage people to meet offline is to improve the facilities in a public place. So
will help people to meet anyone anywhere.
Submitted by lakshmimahendran915 on

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