modernAdd an article
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world, social
provides all kinds of
. Some assume that there is no need for newspapers and different
to provide
, Remove the comma
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itCorrect pronoun usage
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can be easily available on social
platforms .
, I partly agree with
statement and the reasons will be shown
onChange preposition
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the following paragraphs.
On the one hand, the internet can be vital help for
individuals ' Change noun form
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because every
informationCorrect quantifier usage
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can be simply accessible from different
. To elaborate, nowadays virtual world contains so many applications for assisting societies to gather
on various topics like science, business or education .
, they can acquire
without losing any money or time ,
for newspapers and other ,articles
need to pay and sometimes even need to travel to places like libraries to access
, there are so many websites
as Wikipedia that hold a lot of data about different events that can be useful for
like for business purposes or studies so that they can use it for their personal growth.
, every news
available on the internet is updated compared to published
and magazines .It is obvious that a book only contains
about a particular time period , and it cannot be upgraded by factual
,by reading these
can be easily misinterpreted old
, and
, it can lead to
problems among
, all
that are obtained from
the Correct article usage
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cannot be real facts
,Remove the comma
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and can be rewritten by an individual. To exemplify , the virtual world contains so many loopholes that can be invaded by any person easily . Thereby , editing
a Remove the article
a piece of information
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can be an easy task for them because social
carry so many applications that can provide help for spammers .
., It can mislead
toChange preposition
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a Remove the article
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negative thinking .
, in India there had been so much fake news about diseases during the COVID pandemic that Caused conflicts and panic among
causing a lot of problems
toChange preposition
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higher authorities.
, social
can be easily platform to acquire knowledge than newsy or
. I think that sometimes it is better to seek
from articles and
newspaperFix the agreement mistake
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because it provides factual figures about the