Some people think that keeping pets is good for children while others think it is dangerous and unhealthy. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Nowadays there is a growing increase in the number of pets being adopted by families.
some argue that children should grow up having pets others disagree as they assume all domestic
are not safe to have around young kids. I completely agree that having a
is good for young ones. In my essay, I will discuss the pros and cons of living with
. One of the major reasons why I agree is
due to
the fact that children can learn to create healthy relationships with all living beings and not just humans.
For example
, I grew up with a labrador and have learned to value the love that my dog has provided me. Some
very smart and are able to foresee disasters and alert the relevant authorities. Kids with various diseases can definitely benefit from
as trained
are able to sniff off low blood pressure or a seizure and alert a person or child beforehand. There are a few drawbacks to owning a
, one of them is that youngsters could develop an allergy to the fur.
On the other hand
, they could get accidentally bitten or scratched if they are unaware of the temperament of the
. A clear example is when a child decides to
a creature when they are consuming food,
could lead to the animal getting aggravated and hurting the young one unintentionally.
To conclude
, I strongly believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and children should be allowed to opportunity to have a domestic animal.
Submitted by leannealexander28 on

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