Many individuals tend to spend most of their lifetime closest to the place they were born. There could be several reasons which lead them to not leave their homeland and move to a new location.
essay will dictate the advantages Linking Words
as well as
the disadvantages to elaborate on the above statement.
Linking Words
To begin
with, people get to celebrate and be available to the family closest to them. Linking Words
In addition
, they are never isolated from the ones who care about them which leads to higher emotional satisfaction amongst Linking Words
human beings. Linking Words
For instance
, an individual who lives in another state or country does not get enough time to visit the ones who are close to them, and Linking Words
they frequently miss significant festivals or ceremonies which might be important to them. Linking Words
, Linking Words
situations develop symptoms of depression and make a person lonely.
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On the other hand
, the world is growing rapidly and folks living underneath must grow alongside. To elaborate, many men and women blindfold themselves from the opportunities they could get if they choose to leave their birthplaces and move to a land which could offer them growth to move ahead in life. To cite an example, starting a journey in a new city shall bring struggle and difficulties but at the same ,time it does provide a lot of exposure to develop new abilities to achieve heights in one’s life span. Linking Words
, Linking Words
due to
less self-esteem and scared of being judged by others, the individuals may tend to stay in the same position where they were born.
Linking Words
To conclude
, it would be easy and convenient in spending your existence within your native place. Meanwhile, for exponential growth in the Linking Words
it will be less possible for communities to stay in one place and to discover the freedom the world has to offer them.Add a comma