IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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First of all,several people love to spend most of their lives living near where they were born.This comes either from bloodline or from the society where they used to live.Some prefer to spend the rest of their lives f
Some people believe that most of them prefer to spend their lives living close to where they were born for several reasons. This issue has advantages and disadvantages aspects. In this essay, I will shed light on the two
Few individuals prefer spending their lifetime nearby their birthplace. This essay delves into the reasons accountable for this situation and discusses the benefits and drawback for the same.
It is observed that some individuals love to devote most of their time to the place where they cried first in their lives. Additionally, there can be certain reasons behind this. In this essay, I will justify the causes
The majority of people tend to live their lives nearer to the place where they were born and bought up. The crucial reason for this is that they love the neighborhood the most, as well as they don't want to move away fro
Many individuals opt to live their lives near their hometowns. This essay discusses the reasons behind this phenomenon as well as the merits and drawbacks of this.
Most individuals live most of their life In the same area, which they were born and grew up in, because they feel themselves and their neighbours like one big family. As well as, settling in the hometown has pros and co
It is undeniable that some individuals enjoy living close to their hometown. This could be mainly due to the emotional connection as well as they prefer living close to their parents. Living close to the family and livin
Most people prefer to live near their birthplace because of numerous reasons which provide advantages of property inheritance, familiarity in society, and business opportunities. However, there are certain disadvantages
Some individuals spend the great majority part of their lives at their birthplaces. There are several assumptions for their choice which are accompanied by both benefits and downsides. In this essay, I will look at the r
In the modern world, the residents have a major impact on many people's lives. Some people prefer living near the area where they were born. This essay will describe both the benefits and drawbacks of this trend, includi
Nowadays, there are some people, who prefer to spend their lives not far from their birthplaces. In this essay, I am going to consider the reasons for this phenomenon and explore its pros and cons.
With the development of means of travel and transportation, people no longer care about the length of the distance as before. most folks spend their lives in the lands where they were born. In this essay, I will explain
There is no denying the fact that many folks want lives living near where they were born. This essay will discuss several reasons for them and the many advantages and disadvantages they will face.
There is no denying the fact that many folks want lifts living near where they were born. This is a well discuss several reasons for them and many advantages and disadvantages they will be faced.
In modern era, Part of the people like to live where they were born. That provide many advantages and disadvantages. The following paragraph will discuss about this.
In general, there are some individuals who are into choosing their residence quite close to the neighborhood where they were originated from in many years of their lives. In this essay, the most remarkable justifications
Some people live permanently in their hometown due to they are familiar with each and every corner of their own place. Social interaction with residents and close bonding with relatives are the benefits of this phenomeno
Some folks have been living in the same hometown for their entire lives. This phenomenon is caused by familiar feelings of the town and being near their relatives. Although this choice allows them to have a better social
Nowadays, a number of people prefer to spend their lives close to their home town, rather than moving somewhere. There is one main reason for that, which is not going out of your comfort zone. Firstly, action like leavin
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