Imprisonment is considered
the most effective way of punishing criminals. I don't entirely agree with the statement as there are a range of crimes of different magnitude and all cannot be punished in the same manner.
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, punishing criminals depends on the offence they committed any crime can vary to many degrees. Linking Words
it can be agreed that all offences should be punished the punishment cannot be the same for all. Linking Words
For instance
, a person parking his or her car in a no-parking zone cannot be punished the same way as somebody who robbed a bank.
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, punishments are given to rectify people and help them to become better people. Linking Words
, the punishment should be designed to induce a sense of guilt in the offender but if we imprison even for the smallest of violations Linking Words
that would create an impression of fear and disbelief in the government and the judicial system. Linking Words
For example
, someone who is imprisoned for urination in public wouldn't feel a sense of justice rather it will instil a sense of fear. Linking Words
On the contrary
, serial killers may be imprisoned for life and still won't feel guilty about the crime committed by them.
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, Imprisoning all offenders is not fair because of the various degrees of crime and the correct measure of all violations cannot be imprisonment. Linking Words
as, a wealthy person can get bail even for the most heinous atrocity, as he can afford the best lawyer and Linking Words
on the other hand
, a poor person might have to go to jail for Linking Words
simplest of an offence.
In conclusion, prisoning is definitely a good way to punish criminals but it cannot be stated as the best measure as the crimes may vary in magnitude.Correct article usage