Researchers claim that in the forthcoming future, mankind will use homogeneous
. From my point of view, Use synonyms
phenomenon has both merits and demerits; Linking Words
, its drawbacks outnumber its benefits, which can be illustrated as follows.
On the one hand, using only one Linking Words
bears some benefits. Use synonyms
To begin
with, the fact that it bridges the gap between different cultures, communities and countries is a noteworthy advantage. Indeed, by sharing the same Linking Words
can global citizens not only overcome the Use synonyms
barriers but Use synonyms
be able to promote technology exchanges Linking Words
as well as
fostering diplomatic relationships. Linking Words
For example
, if my brother had not known English, he would not have become Linking Words
a brilliant diplomat as he was able to make most of his knowledge to reach compromises with his opponents, giving him victories on diplomatic battlefields.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, I reckon that there are more minuses than pluses of speaking the same Linking Words
. First and foremost, the easement of a community’s quintessences is a concerning issue. Apparently, a mother tongue embodies a country’s tangible and intangible values Use synonyms
as poems and traditional folk music, which will be on the brink of extinction Linking Words
due to
the assimilation into the so-called “higher society”. Linking Words
, there will be heated controversies or even wars, which revolve around the topic of which dialect will be the homogeneous one. Linking Words
For instance
, my acquaintance and his foreign friend had a dispute about which Linking Words
would be used most. Use synonyms
, Linking Words
due to
not being able to reach a consensus, they started fighting and ended up in a hospital.
In a nutshell, as aforementioned, I reconfirm that there is a merit and two demerits to using a single Linking Words
. Use synonyms
, the question posed here is about how to harness its strengths and mitigate its weaknesses for a better future.Linking Words